Government overstepping their boundaries again on internet


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That exact logic is now applied in the US if i recall. If it gets through, it does have one benefit though.. I can secure external contracts with service providers who have servers outside of Canada (Currently cannot). "Cuz it will no longer matter where the data is, it will no longer be any more private from access in Canada than the States!


This must be the wonderful Conservative government that a certain percentage of the Canadian population actually voted for......I voted and it wasn't to put those fuckers in complete control of this country......can you say Stephen Harper dictatorship....


I've always voted conservative but I voted NDP this time because I didnt want a conservative majority for this vary reason. Conservative minority with NDP as official opposition would have been nice. I can dream cant I?


Dreaming of an impotent minority government? Wtf? Waste of taxpayers money. WAKE UP!


Impotent true, however this type of stuff is why I wanted harper restrained somewhat. Unfortunately I believe him while restrained to be the lesser of the evils. Iggy was completely useless and Jack well, he doesnt seem to understand that when you spend money, that money has to come from somewhere. Reminds me of my ex girlfriend.


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If you think that stuff like this is thought up by and implemented by the government in power whoever they may be at the current time you are delusional. The majority of BSlegislation that get's tabled is brought there by beauracratic idiots in the real "government", the one that takes all our freedoms away because some policy maker in a department decided this would "be good for everybody". Our voted in representatives only come into play when constituents want something, or don't want something and then they actually take a stand as for the rest of the time the beauracrats just keeping making policy. I know people in municipalities who say yeah I have seen x number of Mayor's or Reeve's or whatever and if they are having a problem with their policy going through they say they just wait until the current term is done. Besides Conservatives generally want less government control. So unless you can show me a direct link to "Harper ordering this" how about you just fill in the protest at the link and that way the supposed "dictator" will know this is what we don't want.


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and the best part was the omnibus bill which this is a part of was in their campaign. Now throw this together with the copyright reform which they are also planning on restructuring to mimic the US' and watch the lawsuits flow.

Root Moose

Don't kid yourself, this isn't some bureaucrat run amok.

This is the corporation attacking the people. It's all about RIAA/CRIA/DMCA/etc.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) backed by corporations intimidating the people in and outside of government to do their bidding.

I've been a conservative all my life, even supported the party financially in the past. We, the people, need to stand up to this. I'd rather have an economically dysfunctional NDP government in power than have our rights signed away by a government that won't say "No!" because of some fear mongering and/or back room posturing.

The collective bargaining process is about to be killed in parliament due to economic fear mongering. No one is upset about this? Can they not see what is going on? I hate strike action and the effects it has on my life as much as anyone but what is happening is wrong.
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Its not that people dont care, its that they dont know I would think. Same reason open media didnt pick up more steam over UBB. Bell owns CTV so all they said about it was negative things and guess what, more people watch CTV news/CTV newsnet than CBC or listen to CBC radio.

I'll admit I watch CTV when I do watch TV but I dont trust a word they say.

I'm with you though moose, conservative in principle, NDP in practice
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This thread is :rainbow:
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Don't kid yourself, this isn't some bureaucrat run amok.

This is the corporation attacking the people. It's all about RIAA/CRIA/DMCA/etc.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) backed by corporations intimidating the people in and outside of government to do their bidding.

I've been a conservative all my life, even supported the party financially in the past. We, the people, need to stand up to this. I'd rather have an economically dysfunctional NDP government in power than have our rights signed away by a government that won't say "No!" because of some fear mongering and/or back room posturing.

The collective bargaining process is about to be killed in parliament due to economic fear mongering. No one is upset about this? Can they not see what is going on? I hate strike action and the effects it has on my life as much as anyone but what is happening is wrong.

Not being able to replace striking workers is also wrong. If you are not happy and walk off the job I am sure there is somebody else out there with a family to support that would be very happy to have that job instead. Unions are the problem, not the government...

And DoctorPhate, If your political views are as wishy-washy as your ability to stay away from a "forum of assholes", good luck with that ;)


This thread is :rainbow:
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PS - I for one am happy the conservatives got a majority.

I was in on a high-level 3M call after the election and learned that if it was not for Harper's corporation tax cuts, 3M was going to move three plants out of Canada to a more competitive country.

That means thousands of Canadians without a job, tell me how those tax cuts don't help the average person again?

Also, since about 60% of Canadian's taxes go to the government, keeping those corporations in Canada, paying those people's wages, helps the government as well ;)


PS - I for one am happy the conservatives got a majority.

I was in on a high-level 3M call after the election and learned that if it was not for Harper's corporation tax cuts, 3M was going to move three plants out of Canada to a more competitive country.

That means thousands of Canadians without a job, tell me how those tax cuts don't help the average person again?

Also, since about 60% of Canadian's taxes go to the government, keeping those corporations in Canada, paying those people's wages, helps the government as well ;)

This is why I vote conservative most of the time. This time I didnt vote conservative mostly because of the Jets thing and the CRTC fiasco.

Not being able to replace striking workers is also wrong. If you are not happy and walk off the job I am sure there is somebody else out there with a family to support that would be very happy to have that job instead. Unions are the problem, not the government...

And DoctorPhate, If your political views are as wishy-washy as your ability to stay away from a "forum of assholes", good luck with that ;)

Lets not get back into this but just for the record; neversaid everyone was assholes. Infact I always spoke highly of you specificly as well as many others. I said that there are assholes there(which there was and there are everywhere) however what bothered me is that when the one guy(russian guy im told) misunderstood my joking and started trolling me in every thread and I asked him why a bunch of people jumped on me. Then when I left to let things cool down because I was getting pretty pissed off about it(I dont react well to being trolled) and came back I then got trolled by someone else. I can't remember who it was but i believe I was responding to a thread with a bit of a how to on how I did something to a transfer case to help someone out and they accused me of talking out my ass. I openly admit I dont build buggys, my welds are ugly as sin, and I'm not anywhere near as knowledgable as 99% of the guys on here however I do know some things, I do all my own work and I research like crazy before I do things so I'm not stuck when I'm out there working on it.

I apologize for lashing out both times but as I said I dont react well to being trolled unless its pretty obvious its a joke. I'm not entirely good with social cues so why dont we let this whole thing go? I'll bribe you all with coffee/scotch if I have to. Dont ask me for beer, I only drink scotch and if im bribing I expect to drink too. lol

Root Moose

Not being able to replace striking workers is also wrong. If you are not happy and walk off the job I am sure there is somebody else out there with a family to support that would be very happy to have that job instead. Unions are the problem, not the government...

For better of for worse unions exist. The construct of rules and regulations that are in place around labour relations exist due to process. That's the reality. It's like complaining about the first past the post electoral system in Canada. Stop complaining your (not literal "your" here) guys lost and stop sucking if you want to win an election in Canada. Likewise, labour rules would need to be changed to allow strikes to be broken immediately via replacement workers. In fact, there are already rules in place that say when a striking worker can be replaced.

I was never a big proponent of unions, comes from my small "c" conservative and at times libertarian thinking I guess.

Unions did a lot of good to give workers basic employment rights back in the old days when there were no labour rules. Some would argue that unions are an anachronism that doesn't need to exist any more. I say that as corporations turn increasingly psychotic as an entity due to shareholder greed at any cost unions will become more and more important. The thing that has changed in the last 10-15 years is that now corporations are willing to be very nearsighted and hurt themselves in order to maximize shareholder profits. With that as an modus operandi of your employer you need to protect yourself, even if it is a short term thing.

The government is the problem in the case of Air Canada. Air Canada is not a crown corporation. The government has no place meddling with Air Canada. The only reason why they are meddling is because they don't want to change their flight bookings when the house closes for the summer. That is wrong.

In the case of Canada Post, the government being the major share holder is within it's rights to use whatever levers of power it has available to it in order to get mail flowing again - if that's what it wants to do. I don't have a problem with them stepping in but I think their timing is wrong. Much like the F-35 purchase, they are going off half-cocked. If it wasn't for the Air Canada thing and not wanting to look self serving they would have let the strikers rot a while - which was what they should have done.
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Damn I was hoping you'd take the coffee, I spent my scotch money on jeep parts. lol. I'll get you some time this summer though.


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Give it time. How many times have companies got tax cuts and still moved businesses? (Cough) GM (cough). The moment a more profitable option comes along that will increase the stockholder share for the next year (if not 6 months) tax breaks mean nothing. I still believe the bailouts were a bad idea. In this case it was fortunate for you but for me if a company says they are going to keep something open because of tax cuts, I personally would be looking to move. I would almost bet they are already looking at other countries where they can move their businesses due to the dollar parity. Cheaper to get a Mexican/Indian/Chinese to do the job.
Although with the increase lately in pay in indo-asia, all those outsourced jobs may be coming back to roost.

PS - I for one am happy the conservatives got a majority.

I was in on a high-level 3M call after the election and learned that if it was not for Harper's corporation tax cuts, 3M was going to move three plants out of Canada to a more competitive country.

That means thousands of Canadians without a job, tell me how those tax cuts don't help the average person again?

Also, since about 60% of Canadian's taxes go to the government, keeping those corporations in Canada, paying those people's wages, helps the government as well ;)


Insert title here
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Give it time. How many times have companies got tax cuts and still moved businesses? (Cough) GM (cough). The moment a more profitable option comes along that will increase the stockholder share for the next year (if not 6 months) tax breaks mean nothing. I still believe the bailouts were a bad idea. In this case it was fortunate for you but for me if a company says they are going to keep something open because of tax cuts, I personally would be looking to move. I would almost bet they are already looking at other countries where they can move their businesses due to the dollar parity. Cheaper to get a Mexican/Indian/Chinese to do the job.
Although with the increase lately in pay in indo-asia, all those outsourced jobs may be coming back to roost.
Also, the one thing I think the US has right is term limits. Career politicians are the worst.

Root Moose

If we didn't pay the automakers to bail them out we would have ended up paying anyway, in the form of EI and Welfare in a lot of cases. This way at least we more or less knew the fixed costs with an opportunity for the money to be paid back. It was a calculated risk.

In the case of ChryCo I'm surprised they survived (And that we are getting money back). There is a reason Daimler ran away as fast as possible. Chrysler is such a shit product under the sheetmetal. I'm surprised anyone still buys anything made by them. But North Americans in general aren't that critical when it comes to quality, have really short memories, and the rest about X number of people having to die before a recall is carried out is all hush-hush.

We (taxpayers) dodged a bullet... until the next crisis in the auto industry when they get lazy again. It's cyclical... how can the collective we not see this pattern and act to prevent it?

If the bail out didn't happen or it failed we'd have thousands of people unemployed, plying the social services. A lot of them not retrainable, a lot with not a lot of prospect... Then what? At least with downsized manufaturing over time as it is moved overseas the work force shrinks slower and it is easier to deal with at a social services level.

As far as "cut our taxes or we'll move away" goes it is just another form of extortion and like you said, if the deal is sweeter they'll move regardless. There are no guarantees. I don't know what can be practically done in this instance though. We (taxpayers) are pretty much forced to capitulate. It's part of the shrinking work force paradigm I'd suggest. They slowly F.O. in dribs and drabs to raise up other countries while we try to deal with the fall out with McJobs.

It's all so sad.

We (as a country) need a generational plan (i.e. 20-30 years) to undo all the corporate posturing and control that has been allowed to occur. Canada as a whole has been along for the ride with respect to the changes. They are global. If we weren't so "lock-step" tied to the U.S. economy we'd be better off. If we aren't allowed to do the bulk of manufacturing anymore due to overseas labour costs we better make damn sure we are the ones designing the gear to be manufactured overseas. There's so many things that need to be done. National/financial policy making with a 2-4 year outlook is retarded.

What the hell do I know? I'm just some random, disillusioned voice on the Internet.