Advice on buying a YJ



Went to look at a '90 YJ today, in decent enough shape.
The guy did some body work, all new steel.. big plus. Theres still a chunk on the driver side rear right at the curve to the back thats rusted and bent, should be a fairly easy/time consuming fix.
Floors are new, replaced all the rust and holes with new sheet metal aswell.
Theres one small spot on the rear inner frame thats rusted right through but, easy to get at. Shouldnt be too hard of a fix.
The passanger side has new sheetl metal...
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Well-known member
Club Member
Unless you are getting it for under 1K, i'd not bother. Sounds like allot of unfinished patch work that might cause you much grief as you start to look much closer into the condition,etc.... Downside is that prices of jeeps in general will start to go up over the next month as sellers anticipate folks wanting to get ready for the summer....

Keep an eye out on here or on JeepKings (Another Cdn Site, but based mainly out of the GTA area). Deals pop up all the time, some machines basically ready to wheel right away!

Good Luck.


The G-Spot
Club Member
It's all up to you.... and to the price of this miracle of course.
Judging by your description I would run away.... very fast.
But thats me - I would run away from any Chrysler product anyway.

I think you saw only part of the problems - the most obvious ones. There are more which will pop up shortly after you have ownership transfered to your name.

Again - it is up to you - if you have a lot of time and cash and no GF (or very understandable one) - this is your vehicle.

Two thinks to be considered - it not just empty every pocket but does it constantly; and this is Jeep think - no one else will understand.

Root Moose

Definitely pass. Sounds like a rot box.

Don't waste your time on a YJ that isn't at least a fuel injected 4.0. If you are planning on an engine swap that is one thing, otherwise wait for a EFI 4.0.

Farm Boy

Bought the Farm
Ya, if the frame already has one hole that you saw, there are most likely others that you don't

Keep looking


Very valid points, you guy's are right. I already have one jeep project that needs way too much work. I dotn want to spend more time on a daily driver than the actualy trail truck. Thanks for your input, very much appreciated.