As I promised to few club members, here it is:
WTF? if you want comperable results, run the test for equal time periods. And, the graph is labeled "Total Dirt Passed vs. Time". yet in the write up he says "The AC Delco filter test ran for 60 minutes before exceeding the restriction limit while the AMSOIL and K&N tests each ran for 20 and 24 minutes respectively before reaching max restriction", what is this magical restiction limit? There is no mention....odd!!!
Then he says that the AC filter captured 574gms (I assume gms is American for gram, abbreviated "g"), over 60 minutes, average of 57.4g/min and passed 0.4g. The K&n captured 221g in 24 minutes or 55.24g/min and passed 7.0g. So it captured nearly the same ammount, not 37% less. That it passed more I flows more air, it is less restrictive, which means larger "holes" in it lets more through. How large are these particles that get through? how many microns? whatever, I call BULLSHIT on these test results.
I have the same kind of device on my grass cutting tractor. May be able to source it cheaper at TSC or similar instead of paying K&N bling charge.K&N sells a device that monitors the restriction of the filter.
Filter Minder