Ay or Nay?


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39.5" Irok's on 15" steelies with Staun Inner Beadlocks.

Bout 10 trail rides on them...

There about 5.5hrs away. Seller will meet halfway to deliver if i take them.

Couple of Q's:

- $1800 a decent price based on wear, etc...?
- Do you think 5.13's in the diffs with a tera 4:1 in the TC will keep these under control?

I wanted to go 37's but there's not allot around in the flavor...
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Seems high to me. 39.5's are only $400 usd each? But /shrug, I haven't been pricing used (or new) iroks, so maybe I'm wrong.

4:1 and 39.5s for that d44? I'm skeptical... but I guess it will all come down to how you drive it.

Edit: how quickly I forgot about the stauns when replying :p Yes, much better price with the staun beadlocks installed.
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Club Member

Staun's are around $240 US each, rims.... $50 each?

So, your looking at around $700US each.... $2800US for the set... About $3200 or so Cdn....

I just don't know what these go for generally used up here in Canada.

I really don't need the Staun's (But, definitely cool nontheless).