Best place for 14 bolt parts?


Cummins Land-Rover

I need 14 bolt side gears and axle shafts for my 1 ton axle project. I don't want to have to buy a complete axle if I don't have to because I only need the shafts and gears (everything else does not interchange). Anyone know a junkyard that would sell parts off an axle, or does anyone have a 14 bolt that they would part out? Full floater...

Also, if anyone knows where I can find an Eaton out of a 60s to early 70s Chevy 3/4 ton, I need one with 4.10 gears.


Try the Carleton Automotive place...they deal in Army surplus. I bought a bare Dana 60 front housing from them, so I imagine they have a ton of stuff laying around.
Theyre local too...

Cummins Land-Rover

Thanks but I will never deal with Carleton Automotive ever again! :banghead:

Mudlite, I have never been to Kinneys, I called them and they have a bunch of Eaton rear ends (I need a 4.10 pig), so I am probably going to head down there this weekend. Anyone want to road trip :smokin: I will probably head down on Saturday and will be there a couple of hours, I would wanna be there early. He is open until 2. I need to find a 4.10 pig, so I might be out there for a couple of hours, pulling back covers off of axles and doing math :banghead:

How do you get there? I know where Kaladar is (hwy 7) but I don't know the area.

Billavista, please have a look at what you have, I appreciate it.


To get to Kinneys turn left in Kaladar at the intersection of hwy 7 and hwy 62. Take your next left I believe (there is a sign there anyway) you can't miss it.

Cummins Land-Rover

Great, thanks!!

Anyone want to go for a road trip? Or need anything? I will probably head down in the car with a trailer.
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Root Moose

Ah crap! I wanted to go to Kaladar to see if he had any old Subaru rear axles for a trailer.

I'd meet you in Perth but have a pumpkin carving workshop that day (things SO signs me up for :rolleyes:).

I'll let you know if anything changes here.

Cummins Land-Rover

Saturday was a very BAD day to go to the Junkyard!! :lmao:

We almost drowned. Kinney's had a bunch of Eatons, but they were all 4.57 and 5.14 gears. We got the rest of the stuff we needed. I highly recommend this place, just don't go in the rain!



All my spare 14-bolt diffs are welded up. The side gears and spiders can come out of the case, but they are welded to each other. Sounds like you found what you needed anyway.

Cummins Land-Rover

14 bolt or Eaton? About 2 bills for Eatons. None of them had factory detroits.