Brake Hose "L" Brackets


Root Moose

I'm trying to source some brake hose L brackets like these:

They use these kind of spring clips for retaining the brake house end:

Anyone know where I can buy something like that? I could make some or cut some off something I guess but it's...
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Well-known member
I just made mine out of some flat stock - works like a charm :D

I second that, just weld some tabs on, the clip attaches on the fitting on the hose.

Try the "specialty" section at CT, I think I saw some there, but it's cheapr to use some scrap flat stock. Those clips are in that section I believe as well.

I have seen some people use something other then those clips. I have NO IDEA what they are called.

kind of looks like a beta ϐ sign , They are usually use on hitch pins and stuff. also seen cir clips used as well, many options.


Hey !
You should post this over on backroads4x4...

I'm pretty sure somebody over there has a bunch salvaged from suzuki's and Hondas :D

Seriously though, angle iron or flatbar... drilled & welded on, clips from a friendly source or the help isle at CTC

Root Moose

Yeah, I went out behind the barn tonight and rummaged around and tripped over that old POS Sidekick frame that I forgot about. I'll harvest the clips when I get a chance on the weekend.


Club Member
I make a slotted flat steel plate (like your 3rd pic) and bend the tabs to hold the hose in. Easier than using clips, you can pull the hose out without uncoupling it, and they've been working great for several years.