evil twin


Active member
I cut two shifters down and used them as a twin stick. It worked, but defiantly not as nice as my evil twin setup


Well-known member
My tcase was already twin sticked when I bought it, but it uses two stock shifters as mentioned above. Challenge is getting a shifter boot to seal up the tcase. I'm using a ghetto rubber glove setup with some tie wire. I try to keep an eye on it & make sure the oil hasnt got any water/debris in it. So far so good over the last 2 years


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Why has no one ever told me about this evil twin before?!?! I like!


Active member
For the shifters to allow 2 wheel low you need to disassemble the case and remove the shift inhibit mechanism. it is a steel ball between the shift rails or it may require a modification to the rails them selves. there is really no advantage to only adding the second stick without the rest of the mods.


Well-known member
I bought the case that was already susposally convertered but the shifters didn't seem to work right so I looking for a way to make shifters so it works like it should


Well-known member
You get 2WD low, plus chicks really dig a bunch of shifters sticking thru the floor. Tons of write ups on how to do it yourself online, google image "samurai twin stick" and you'll see how the shifters work


Club Member
I thought there was a way to get the 2WD low with the single shifter once the shift mech in the case was screwed around with? I remember the guys on Zookpower ripping on it being a kinda useless mod a number of years back. I haven't looked at Zook stuff in a long time, though.


Active member
I love my 2low and true neutral for towing. My old samurai with the two factory sticks did work well, but did bind some due to the friction of the rough ground surfaces. Looking back, if I would of polished the surfaces, it probably would of been much nicer. Hope this helps


Active member
Yeah, with the modded case and single stick, it becomes complicated. Hard to know where you are, and where to go