Sent a PM to Todd (406YJ) on Pirate directing him to this thread:
Thank you! Our message says please leave a message. We receive over 200 phone calls a day. I have taken some of my phone support off the phone and have them filling orders for half of their work day. To improve turn around times and give us a chance to build up some welded inventory to better our custom wheel turn around times even more. Please tell your club I am sorry if there are two messages we didn't get called back. 1 would be too many by TWF standards. Andy has been on board with TWF for a year now and behind the scenes we are 15x stronger with him, his ideas and structure. I do want to stress how sorry I am if anyone felt overlooked. Of all my life goals the thing I have the most pride in is the fact TWF is the #1vendor on the worlds largest Offroad website in positive feedback and that is 100% due to our kickass customers/customer support and product that we provide.
Take care,
Todd Wooten
Owner :
Good luck guys.