


I need someones help diagnosing my Jeep. I couldnt get the lock ring off myself so I broke down and took it to the shop and had it done. So now 350$ including install and purchase of the brand new fuel pump and it still dies out on me. I've replaced the map sensor, TPS, PCV and now fuel pump. I've also got an overheating issue. Its not too bad, once the Aux fan kicks on it comes down but still god damn annoying. I've also greased every electrical joint and all the spark plugs look to be...
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Anyone know any smurfs that could replace it? I already looked into replacing it and theres maybe an inch of room between it and the floor pans. How someone is supposed to replace that I have no idea.


Well-known member
CPS crank position sensor.


Easiest way is drop the crossmember and the driveshafts. Lower the trans and tcase down as far as the motor mounts will let you, have to pop the tcase linkage too oh and watch you are not stretching any wiring . Still tight but doable.

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Root Moose

CPS can be replaced by using a whole whack of extensions and a u-joint... if it isn't seized in there. You shouldn't have to drop anything, at least I didn't with my MY01.


From the sounds of it I think I'll just hop over to crappy tire and let those monkeys deal with it. I dont have the time or patience for this BS. lol


Well-known member
What I did on my WJ. I pulled up the carpet by the gas pedal, cut an access hole, and fabbed up a cover with some sheet metal, painted it all up and RTV'ed it. this way it was easy to do it again.


Club Member
As someone not so familiar with XJ's, shouldn't/wouldn't this throw a Check Engine code?


Not always from what I've read. Why, I couldnt explain that properly but something to do with the malfunction causing the ECU to disconnect and thus thinking the sensor is fine? Something like that... lol.

Anyone know somewhere I can get the part cheap, crappy tire wants 140$ for it. Carquest says 96$ but they dont have it in stock. I need a shop to do the work too if possible.


$20, but I don't have it instock either.

lol thanks. Well I called Midas and they'll do it for me. Hopefully they dont screw something up like crappy tire did... they ruined my float so my fuel guage doesnt work anymore.


Well-known member
Ok let me get this strait. You can setup your own gears but cant change a fuel pump or a cps???

Just sayin!

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Ok let me get this strait. You can setup your own gears but cant change a fuel pump or a cps???

Just sayin!

Sent from my SGH-T959D using Tapatalk

Set my gears with the help of my step dad... in a garage, with all my tools.

Just moved and because of the situation with my previous room mate I moved all my tools to my step fathers place and I have yet to move even half of them to my new place yet. I don't even have a drill or a proper hammer here. I'm also missing about half my wrenches for some reason, I think my room mate might have stolen them along with 3 or 4 extensions for my 3/8s rachet. I'm also missing my 3/8s drive socket that I always have attached to my breaker bar for changing my tires.

I understand its a bit odd and trust me, I'm incredibly cheap, if I had my tools with me I would have done all this myself but with frustration of being owed a ridiculous amount of money, dealing filing a small claims court case, the move, and taking care of my dying aunt I apologize that I havent had the time to rebuild a vehicle lately to appease people.
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bwa ha ha

lol... Still eh?

I know you're a bit slow so i'll explain this to you... I'm calling you a troll. :)


Well-known member
Club Member
You know what doctorphat? If you consistently say incongruent and nonsensical things in an open forum expect that people will point and laugh, and some of them will actually post that they are pointing and laughing.
A few examples:
Saying setting up gears is not really that hard when apparently you did not set them up but simply installed them and got lucky that they were "right", what would you have done if they were wrong without real tools?
Saying that it was too hard to change a fuel pump which required tools that you did not have (a hammer and brass punch) and then complaining about paying for it.
I am not attacking you but just trying to help you see why some many people roll their eyes when you post. Maybe you should "troll" through all your posts and see how this happens, maybe do it with a objective 3rd party.

But I and many others do take offence to you referring to long standing members, including our President as trolls. These are people who attend meetings, arrange events, lead trails and are paid members of OVO. Maybe you should read Mitko's signature and take it into consideration.


I'd have to say uour first mistake was taking yer vehicle to Canadian Tire...


You know what DoctorPhate? If you consistently say incongruent and nonsensical things in an open forum expect that people will point and laugh, and some of them will actually post that they are pointing and laughing.
A few examples:
Saying setting up gears is not really that hard when apparently you did not set them up but simply installed them and got lucky that they were "right", what would you have done if they were wrong without real tools?
Saying that it was too hard to change a fuel pump which required tools that you did not have (a hammer and brass punch) and then complaining about paying for it.
I am not attacking you but just trying to help you see why some many people roll their eyes when you post. Maybe you should "troll" through all your posts and see how this happens, maybe do it with a objective 3rd party.

But I and many others do take offence to you referring to long standing members, including our President as trolls. These are people who attend meetings, arrange events, lead trails and are paid members of OVO. Maybe you should read Mitko's signature and take it into consideration.


I do like the troll pic tho, copied for future use.

(Edited for objectivity.)
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