How to get jeep tj driver side rear axle to drop for coil installation?


Kyle TJ

Today while installing a 2" bb lift, I got the passenger side all back together, but the driver side won't drop enough to get the coil back in. Ive got only the sway bar disconnected. Did I need to do anything else?



Well-known member
you need to disconnect the shocks to get them in. leave the sway bar attached. just undo the bottom bolt for the shocks with the frame supported and a jack under the axle, otherwise you could break your brake flex lines.

Kyle TJ

Alright, I already have the shocks disconnected as I was attempting to change them too. Damn bar pin bolts are all snapping off. I'll see what I can do tomorrow.


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Club Member
That's not unusual. Actually I was surprised when I did mine that they didn't break but using an impact may have saved my bolts as it puts less stress than a breaker bar or ratchet. May want to look at a body lift. If the bolts break off you are looking at taking the nuts off as well and with a BL it gets easier. For me it was getting the driver side front. Afterwards I realized that I had left the front drive shaft attached and it was banging up against the skid. Duh
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Kyle TJ

Got it in. Just had someone stand on the brake drum and used a spring compressor for help even though I don't think I should have needed it. Now I have to install my shocks and deal with more broken bolts. I'm almost thinking bar pin eliminators could be a good idea since its such a pain.