Locker install/removal question


Well-known member
Hey guys, i'm starting to put the XJ under the knife...replacing cracked header,newer intake manifold and long arms...and disc brake conversion in the rear.

My question to you guys is how hard is it to remove the locker out of my diff (or if I even have to remove it) to pull the axle shafts out. The shafts have to come out so I can put the disc brake brackets and stuff on the axle. I have a 29 spline 8.25 with powertrax locker.



Well-known member
Club Member

Assuming you just have the lunchbox locker you dont have to "pull" the locker as it really is just a replacement of the spider gears that is your lockers. There is obviously more to how it works than that but the thing is IIRC you have to pull the pinion pin as it is a C-Clip axle and in order to do that, (yes I think I remember doing that), be careful though because if your pin is a little tight and you have to hammer it (with a brass punch) out that you don't do it a "wrong" spot in the housing and get it jammed and not be able to turn it and take it out. If all goes well you undo the retaining screw on the pinion pin (I don't believe it is a spring pin) and it will just fall out. At that point you can take the c-clips out but make sure the side cups don't fall out of the locker. with the c-clips removed I would put the pin back in to hold everything in place until you are ready to reinstall the axle shafts.
I would also go sign up and download the owner's manual from the above site and BTW any time I have called Lockright they have been helpful and have good hours of operartion.



Well-known member
Hey man, did you lose the manual I gave you?

Just kidding.

Pretty much as Wayne said. Undo the little set screw holding the middle pin, tap the pin out a bit (it should be pretty easy to punch out, very little pressure), rotate wheels until the end of the pin that you poked out is visible, pull it out, push shafts in, c-clips will fall out of the slots in the locker (might have to rotate wheels again), put pin back in, pull axles out. And yes, the cupped "washers" might fall out.

Reverse procedure: Pull pin out, keep locker aligned (make sure pin hole lines up), push shafts in, put cupped washers on, slide c-clip into locker slot, pull axle out to hold it. Repeat other side.

Put pin in, and finish with set screw.

If you need help, I can come over, or call.
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Well-known member
Thanks a bunch guys! I was worried i'd have to pull all the "spider gears" out . Should be pretty straight forward then, Cochise ill let you know if I run into any problems!

WIll update buiild thread as I go.
