Looking for advice on a 231 TC


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Club Member
I got my 231 pulled out yesterday, ready for the additions that i have to add. I have the

Tera 4:1
Tera 2lo
Tera HD extreme short SYE.

Right now, I have the AA SYE that i have to remove as it has been sold and is spoken for. What would be my best approach with this to get all three new additions on without having to attach, remove, attach remove?

Based on the tech i have, it looks like the 2lo needs to go into the 4:1. Is this correct?

Am thinking:

  1. Remove the AA SYE...
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Well-known member
Hey Tim, I think you have it pretty close. The 2 lo replaces the shift fork and I believe that is on the back ahlf of the case. Either way you have to pull the case apart for all three. Make sure that you keep the orientation of everything coming out as I put a gear in upside down and it wouldn't shift right and had to take it all apart again.


Farm Boy

Bought the Farm
I think you missed a couple steps before what you listed:

1) Put tcase on bench
2) Open Beer & drink
3) carry on with your list


I have no idea specifically on the 2lo but when I did my tcase gears, and again when I did the dual case, what worked really well for me was beside the bench I had a 1/2 sheet of clean plywood to put everything on. Step by step as I removed parts, I set them on the plywood always in the same orientation and numbered them including drawing circle around the parts if there were more than one removed in a step. Made easy reference for re-installation, especially when I got instructions like "take the gear from step #11 and ....."


Well-known member
Club Member
Thanks Guys :)

Me and Beer and work does not compute to a good outcome....

the 4:1 should be fairly straightforward based on the specs.
the SYE as well, based on when i first did the AA one.
the 2lo is the concern i have. I HOPE it's in the back half like you say Trevor but am not sure....

We'll see.

Thanks John. I know the last time, i ran into a few issues with part orientation and order. What i do is take a ton of pics.... Helped with the restoration immensely as well as when i did the AA SYE.

Farm Boy

Bought the Farm
To me, pics work well only if you have someone else running the camera for this. I make WAY too big of a mess and a sharpie is much easier to clean than the camera
