mirror/doorless on the roads?



sorry guys im sure this question has been asked 100 times on the forum but does anyone actually KNOW what the ontario law is on being doorless (stock doorless which means mirrorless too) i can find sites supporting both sides all over the internet i visited my local police station (bank and leitrim) and noone there knew either i dont want to be ticketed but id prefer not to have to keep my doors on aswell thanks for the help!



As per Ontario highway traffic act:


Other equipment
Windshield wiper, mirror
66. (1) Every motor vehicle other than a motorcycle shall be equipped with,
(a) a device for cleaning rain, snow and other moisture from the windshield so constructed as to be controlled or operated by the driver;
(b) a mirror or mirrors securely attached to the vehicle and placed in such a position as to afford the driver a clearly reflected view of the roadway in the rear, or of any vehicle approaching from the rear. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 66 (1).

A mirror, ONE mirror, therefore; as long as you have a clear, unobstructed view out the rear view mirror you don't need your door mirrors.

Don't need doors....


thankyou very much that is the exact information i was looking for


Well-known member
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never heard of any jeep, bronco, etc getting pulled for no doors. shouldnt even be a concern


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It isn't. The only issue is putting down the windshield since that it affects the functionality of the wipers. Yes I know that sounds stupid (and it is).