Hunt Club Nissan had a special Leaf test drive event yesterday and I took one for a drive.
The power delivery is very smooth, consistent, and of course quiet. It has plenty of acceleration for a small car too, not as good as a V6 but better than a 4 cylinder. I didn't get a chance to drive it at highway speed though. I did make a quick corner and it stuck to the road; a 50/50 front to rear weight distribution and very low COG with the batteries down low make it handle quite well...
The power delivery is very smooth, consistent, and of course quiet. It has plenty of acceleration for a small car too, not as good as a V6 but better than a 4 cylinder. I didn't get a chance to drive it at highway speed though. I did make a quick corner and it stuck to the road; a 50/50 front to rear weight distribution and very low COG with the batteries down low make it handle quite well...
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