Ottawa Valley OffRoaders Forums Contact Us Form - Trucks and clay mud


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The following message was sent to you via the Ottawa Valley OffRoaders Forums Contact Us form by Steve Ward.


Hi there I have a simple question can a truck be sparayed with I dont know teflon or diesel fuel or anything to help stop the mud fron sticking to the wheel wells and undercarriage as it takes like 4 or 5 hours a day to wash my truck ?


Staff member
Club Member
So what do you guys think? I know I wouldn't be spraying deisel on my rig.

That being said, I think that Stacy David (the original Trunks! host) may have said to use Pam kitchen spray. I think that's where I heard it. I've been wrong before though.


Zooklounge Crawler
Club Member
Buy a gas powered pressure washer;).

Seriously though, my Grandfather used to use Armour All on his inner fenders and it always looked like new. Just a quick spray with a garden hose cleaned them right up.

Cheers :beer:.


Insert title here
Club Member
I know some on Jeep Forum will use Pam in their engine compartment for keeping the mud off.
I tried using simple green and it definitely cleaned some of the grime off from inside the compartment


embrace the mud. its what's holding my rig together.:lmao:

Farm Boy

Bought the Farm
I wouldn't use anything petrolium based, it would leave resudue in the water/mud.
Pam or Veg oil if you feel you must use something or like Jamie said, bigger pressure washer.

Or, if it's too much of a pain to wash the truck, stay out of the mud. :clue: