


so wheeling season is passing me by and chrysler can't pull their freaking head out of there a$$ and find me parts.. my jeep sat at car canada from may 4th to this past tuesday, when they finally call me and say they will give me my jeep back but its still not fixed(they did a temporary fix for the PDC, and put a new front diff cover on)

what they still owe me is...
drive shaft..which they should have as my jeep is less than 10 years old and it's a warranty part, but apparently there are no...
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Farm Boy

Bought the Farm
Sounds like similar issues I had with GM years ago.

Rear pinion seal was changed for the fifth or sixth time just before the 60k warrenty ran out, changed it again under warrenty at 68k, finally argued with them enough to change the pinion. :banghead:

What a PITA................................


there must be driveshafts to be had, second hand...check a wrecker, byu it , install it...wheel.
When they finally give you one under warranty.... install it then and keep the other for a spare.
or freak out at them, really freak oiut, and have them pay for a new one..get it made at Malmberg....

or...get your sahaft back from them and have it fixed...I'd gladly look at it and see what it really needs to be servicable.


the original date for all the parts they gave me is june 22 ill give them untill then even though thats 2 months ive been waiting and if its not in ill have to do soemthing abot it


so the drive shaft is in but i have no way to get my jeep there caus ei start a new job on monday and the bf is pet so i cant be without a car not like i can take the bus out here


Well-known member
Club Member
Hmmm.....I would tell them you need a loaner vehicle until they get the ds installed.



and they didnt fix your jeep in 6 days.. not your fault. they still owe you a vehicle.


and they didnt fix your jeep in 6 days.. not your fault. they still owe you a vehicle.

Not unless it's in your warranty. Most warranties do not include loaners/rentals. The 6 days may have been a courtesy.


I believe the warranty doesn't say "we will fix your vehicle at some point.... maybe... might take a while.... but we will give you your vehicle back half fixed while you wait.."

I could be mistaken though lol. I prefer buying used and doing the work myself for this reason.


My point was regardless of how long it takes, unless it's in the warranty, they are not required to give you a loaner/rental.


Ya but isn't there a clause about timely repair.. not the kind of repair your getting?


Well-known member
I guess I always had a good relationship with the dealer.

There were times, like my driveshaft, that I just picked it up and kept the old one for a spare. They trusted me and I never abused it. I used to pick up parts all the time and bring back the old one if needed. Most cases they recycle the parts. They really don't need it back. The only times where DC needs them to send it back is for the big ticket items. (engine, tranny, tcase...etc)

I was there once when the DC rep was sent to check and engine that had failed.

I always got a loaner if it were to be held overnight that was the Gold Star warranty rules. I hated having to pay the insurance.. oh well.


Insert title here
Club Member
Not sure if you had, but have you contacted Chrysler directly? One of my minions at work's father had issues with a Nissan Pathfinder and the dealer was giving him the runaround. He contacted Nissan directly. Next thing you knew they fixed it.
I would definitely do that before going to the media


yeah i called chrysler they said there was nothing they could do cause the pdc was no where...either way they said the can prolly squeeze me in saturday around 130.....just so you know if you call chrysler there giving away 50$ coupons they gave me one


so i was pleased the drive shaft came in and at least i was going to have soemthing done well car canada chrysler still has not pulled ther head out of there a$$, and now i am sooooo angry like i dont know what to do... i had an appointment i was to bring it in saturday afternoon wait 20min and leave...first thing a mechanic said when he saw my jeep was we dont have the parts for that green jeep yet....then we dont know when we'll get to it rick is busy with other vehicles....fck the other cars you have already screwed me out of my jeep for over a month........... well i waited 20min for them just to find the part, then waited for someone to actually take it in.....then they come to the waiting room saying they cant find the clips for it, said they tried calling people but no one was answering....so long story short they fcked me again wasted my gas and an hour of my day and said they would take me next saturday...ask them if tuesday morning 8 was okay and they took it so lets see if they can get there act together by then


I would have demanded they pay for my gas since they insist on waisting my time.