roll on bedliners


Well-known member
was at crappy tire and noticed several different types of roll on bedliners. was hoping for suggestions. I also noticed that you don't need to mix them with a catalyst or hardener like most quality paints require. is it the norm to just let them air dry or does the good stuff require to mix additives? any brands I should be looking out for other than the crappy tire special? thanks in advance



Till Valhalla!
I believe all the big brands don't require to be mixed with a catalyst. I've used both duplicolour and herculiner, the herculiner being the much more expensive and i must say that i much prefered the herculiner. Better texture and alittle easier to roll on although bedliner in general has a very easy application process. Having used both an expensive brand and a much cheaper one i will use the herculiner again next time. Duplicolour certainly isn't the cheapest brand either but i beleive you get what you pay for. I read somewhere that the cheaper brands tend to peal after a time although i think that that is directly related to the prep work done. IMHO, if you buy from crappy tire i say get the duplicolour and not the house brand.



Well-known member
thanks Marek, I googled a few things and read that herculiner works well. i didn't see herculiner at CT, how much is it for a gallon ? I also read through my digging that oven baking before and during the application process is the key to a good bond between surfaces. i think an industrial kerosene blower heater in a 2 car garage can fix that :D is the herculiner paintable?


Till Valhalla!
yes, the herculiner is paintable, i bought mine from trucks plus in pembroke. Not sure about the gallon because i bought mine by the quart which if memory serves me well cost around $90. I used 2 quarts to do 2 thick coats on the entire interior of the jeep as well as some exterior panels.


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I had applied Herculiner to the inside of OD without issues and was durable as hell! I also didn't do any baking :)

I had picked it up at TSC for about 70 bones or so if i recall.


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You had me questioning myself so i checked my parts list from the build :)

$119.99 for the bedliner kit, which included a gallon and all the supplies for the DYI'er.

Fawk, i wasn't even close......


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I did the Herculiner as well and it is pretty durable. The biggest detractor with it though is you will never get it clean again. It's impossible with the impregnated bits in the liner. I would do it again but next time I may try Raptorliner. Looks like it goes on really well either by roller or by spray (I believe it comes with a spray gun) and from the reviews on JeepForum of the people who have done it, it looks really good and is thick. Tim's price was about the same as mine


Well-known member
checked a lil bit bout raptorliner and noticed that it comes with a mix-in catalyst. haven't read anything bad bout it either. haven't found any local dealers tho. also seems to be comparatively priced considering the kit incudes a shutz gun to boot (119.99).


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I am going to do some myself so this is good info, I do know it never seems that you can get it clean but I wonder if painted so you have a smooth surface if it would be much better, hmmmmm but then how slippery will it be with muddy boots when all the texture is gone, damn nothing is ever good for all scenarios.



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That's what i had done. After i put down the herculiner, i painted it. Any time i had a gouge or nasty scrape, i just spray bombed the area and it was good as new. Paint never peeled and adhered perfectly.


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The bits make it pretty deep. Next meeting you can check it out. I swear I will be there! Only way you would get it back to black is like Tim did by repainting it.


Well-known member
anyone know who sells raptorliner locally ish? if not, herculiner seems to be the best bet. not too concerned about scratching the painted surface but it's good to know you can just touch it up pretty easily. I'm painting the truck with spraybomb brown so even if I don't paint it and get it dirty I won't mind so much that it can't be cleaned.