Stupid Newbie Question ?



Okay , I have a tire with two blown beads ( as in , not sealing on the rim )

I have tried using a rachet strap around the tire - I almost got it :banghead:

Soo , next approach . I know people use a flammable liquid around the bead and then light it . Does this actually work ? What do you use - Lighter fluid - Ether - Alcohol - Gas ????? What works ? Any other suggestions ???


Ether works well.
Clean the beads...,
I have found that standing the tire up works better than having it lay on its side. Spray some ether in the tire, no need to spray it around the beads, just spary it inside. have a long BBQ lighter ready...longer lighter is better.....and light the flamable mixture.....
If you did it right, you will still have your facial hair and the tire will be mounted. :D

time for :beer::beer::beer:

Root Moose

I've never used lighter fluid when both beads are knocked off. I'd guess it would work as long as one side was manipulated such that it was more or less seated and the rushing gas doesn't have anywhere to escape on both sides. Not certain though.

Single bead loss, lighter fluid works fine IME.

Ractchet strap works too IF (big if) you get the strap tight enough AND have enough air flow from your air source. My old Campbell Hausefeld CTC compressor sucked for this kinda stuff - not enough flow/pressure. Had to find and really crank down the strap to get it to work.

When using the lighter fluid, make sure you stand well back when tossing the match - if you like the hair on your arms and face the way it is now. ;)

Farm Boy

Bought the Farm
Another way I've seen guys do it to mount highway tractor tires and equipment tires is with LARGE volumes of air. The guy had an air pig (actually an old 20lb propane tank) modified with a 1.5" outlet pipe and 1/4 turn valve. The end of the pipe was hammered mostly flat to sit against the bead. Pump the tank (I think he was running 120-150 psi but that was on heavy duty tires), aim at the rim/bead, quickly open the valve and voila instant large volume of air into the tire. He claimed it worked every time, Just don't forget to lube the bead.

Big benifit of this is you get to keep your eye brows. :D


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Club Member
Remove the valve core untill the beads are seated. This will allow the air in faster. Also easy on the eyebrows!!