suzuki samurai


Well-known member
was just wondering if anyone has installed power steering from a tracker to a samurai ? any advice of what i need to do this? or instuction how
thanks in advance


Club Member
I believe Grumpy has, but there should be lots of writeups on this around or the other Zook forums. The biggest challenges (from what I recall) are that the Trackick PS box's bolt pattern is the opposite of the Sami one (2 bolts up top/1 on the bottom versus 1 up top/2 on the bottom), and routing a belt around the PS pump - there's a unique crank pulley that helps this part. High level stuff that I remember off the top of my head. I collected most of the parts, then sold the Zook and everything else before I did the swap.


call brent at trailtough he has a kit now .i have all the other parts you need


I'd wheel it
I have the TT kit and it was a breeze to install (got mine thru lowrange however). What made it even easier was the wedge.
I ended up having to modify the pump braket a little to clear the exhaust manifold (and by modify all I mean is a little grinder love) and same thing for the rad to clear the steering box (a little more love). I can't say how pleased I am with both items not to mention not having to manually turn those 33's anymore.
I actually took lots of pics with the intention of doing an install thread so I guess I should get on that seeing as it's a year later now (damn procrastination).
I hope that helps. Any questions you might have I'd be more that happy to answer.
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