TC help


Running Free

Need some help with my transfer case, right now it's stuck in 4hi. I have to manually force it with a pry bar from underneath. I need a GOOD shop to bring it to or job it out to someone on this forum. I have a np242 in a 88xj with 173 km's. I would prefer to rebuiding then buying from a wrecking yard. (Finding an used tc with true 200k or less would be impossible.) Any help would be appriciated!!

thanx Al


Well-known member
Sounds to me like the linkage is siezing up. Have you tried taking the linkage off and shifting it with you hand? If this is the case you just need to take the linkage off and clean it, lube it up and reinstall.



Well-known member
Club Member
Yeah do what Scott says, if it is not the linkage then let me know because I have a NP242 that I want to get rid of for that year.


Running Free

Thanx for the quick relies!! I'll get under it to check the linkage, but I'm sure I muckt the Tcase pulling stumps on dry pavement:( Dwayne probably take your 242:smokin: