Tube benders


Well-known member
Well I have started to look into getting or building a tube bender.

Was wondering what I guys have or use, recommendations....



This thread is :rainbow:
Staff member
Club Member
Ther's a couple pro-tools and a couple jd bender's in the club, Get a pro-tools and you can borrow my dies if you need them...


Well-known member
so far protools is in the lead for sure cant wait to see what shipping is going to be, also looking at the woodward fab one off of the summit site
lookin at the gottrikes one to build seems it would be a decent winter project. but i cant seem to find anyone with experience putting one together.


Well-known member
Club Member
I almost bought one when i was going to do my cage. Protools directly from their website is probably the best if you headed over to OGD to pick it up. I know that TMR can get them as well for you, however they are just going to go directly to them as well, ship them up, charge you that + a bit of mark up for the trouble and then you still have to ship it here.....

I strongly support you buying one for us folks down this way :)


Till Valhalla!
i went with pro-tools, was on the fence when shopping about jd and the pro-tools and it really came down to a flip of the coin but i was really impressed with the customer service of pro-tools when i called them up.


Well-known member
thanks man i totaly missed that add!!! hopefully hear from him soon!

Ya tim you can use it anytime you want!!!


Well-known member
well the JD it is! called the guy and pulled the trigger!
now all i need is some tube and probably a few different dies.... oh well im sure i can find some scrap to practice on