wagoneer front leaf question...


apparently the prezident
Club Member
So what end of the leaf goes to the front. One bushing is bigger then the other. Is that the front, or does it matter?

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Well-known member
Depends on what wheelbase you want to run. Waggy's are 2 inches longer on one side of the pin then the other. Longer wheelbase longer half to the back. Wait you are doing custom mounts so run them however they fit best.


Well-known member
are you gonna go shackle forward or shackle reverse? usually the smaller end is mounted to the shackle end


apparently the prezident
Club Member
Shackles rear, and axle 1-2" forward from center. Ok, so ill play around with it. I was thinking the smaller size to the rear, but I wanted to make sure. Almost done getting everything I need for the SFA now. rear axle is in, this week the front should be in.