

White Mule

Anybody on here or know of someone who is good at repairing, rebuilding Warn winches?? If so please let me know. I have a few I'd like fixed.


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Club Member
And that source was ... ?

Lol, I guess I should have provided that. Mine is a really early model and somewhere a while back they changed the solenoids (I think it was when they went from a 3 wire to 5 wire remote. I would have to get all new solenoids (I had 1 dead one) and the new wiring. The wiring on its own was about $150. Did I mention you can't source the old style anymore.
It took me a bit of searching and I found this link:
I needed the WS15-2f (I think the new style is the WS15-400). The good news is they are located in Calgary so no crossborder shopping.


Well-known member
Next time you have a bum solenoid, try drilling out the rivets on the base and pulling it apart, you'll have to melt the solder on the two small solenoid leads. Once you have it apart clean the contacts and reshape (bend) the bi-metal contact plate back into shape. Put it all back together, solder the two leads, and rivet the base back on ( it may take a few tries to get the bend right) this worked for me this spring after frying two solenoids last fall winching with a bad battery. Hopefully this repair will last until I get off my wallet and order new solenoids :) šŸŗ

White Mule

I have a few, I will check which models need what. I will appreciate any help.