Anyone locally into building bumpers?


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Club Member
Just wondering if anyone on here are capable / interested in building a few bumpers for yours truly :)

For the front, the "look i am going for is similar to the image below, width being around the 42" mark. Anyone interested?

For the rear, i am still working on "Plans" :)


Well-known member
Club Member
Just wondering if anyone on here are capable / interested in building a few bumpers for yours truly :)

For the front, the "look i am going for is similar to the image below, width being around the 42" mark. Anyone interested?

For the rear, i am still working on "Plans" :)

Trevor (tlowe) had a front bent up similar to the BTF front bumper. He may still have the plans he drew up.

That being said, the BTF bumper in the pic above (minus winch plate and tubing) is only $190... I picked up the bumper last year and then planned on having someone locally add the tube work.


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Club Member
True on the price, however when you add in the tube from them, the winch plate, the exchange rate and then shipping and quite possibly other charges, that $190 is now over $800 Cdn. Hence why i am trying to source local if possible.

Thanks for details.

Root Moose

Not to be contrary but I think you are exaggerating a tad. ;)

At $190 I'd buy it and get it shipped to Ogdensburg and be happy.


ship it to Ogdensburg and drive over the border and install it on your jeep in a parking lot.. They wont know the difference and you wont even have to pay them anything.


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Club Member
There's no exaggerating at all:

$190 US for the bumper
$160 US for the winch plate
$130 US for the loop

Total is $480 US. Shipping would be in the neighborhood of at least $120 if sent to Canada. Total is $600 US and that's generous on the shipping. This is about $780 Cdn. And there's still customs, possible brokerage fees, etc....

NOW. As some have eluded, just ship to the OG. Well, as someone who actually buys his groceries at Price Choppers there (well, not anymore with the current exchange rate), i know all too well what can be done. Fact is, I would need the jeep operational to drive down and install (Not the case as it is in pieces right now). Also, i already have a "Red Flag" on my name due to previous indiscretions at the border so i do not take that "Chance" anymore. Even if I were to ship to OG and then go down with the DD and pick up, i am guessing that shipping would still be in the neighborhood of $100US so not too far off on the total cost to me. Not to mention the package charges ($5US /Package not by pick up!!), toll charges and of course the taxes at the border....

And Chris, that $190US is for the bumper only. To get the complete package, your looking at much more if i were to source from BTF (see above).

Was just trying to see if there was a more local and less expensive way of acquiring this. Am guessing by the responses, not... Other than buying a welder, some steel plate and tubes and learn how to weld.



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Club Member
You can totally get it done locally. Talk to Trevor and ask to see pics of his front. If memory serves, I think it ran him $80 to have it bent up (and then he had to weld it).

IMO, I would buy the BTF front bumper (which would run you ~$240 after conversion and duty). The fit and finish of that bumper for that price I think is worth it vs probably paying someone in the ~$150 range (or higher) to build it for you. You can then find a used winch plate to slap on, and have someone bend up and weld the tube (there are any number of club members that will do this for a fee). The nice thing about going this route is you don't have to do it all at once.

Talk to John (mudlite) about rear bumpers. I bought mine from him last year. Good solid bumper with 2" receiver and d-ring mounts. I believe he still has a couple left.

Root Moose

No worries, I thought the bumper as pictured was $190. That would be a complete and total steal.

Definitely go local if you can find someone to do that level of detail fab for you.

For the record, and to be clear/precise for the lurkers, I don't think anyone in the club was suggesting that you drive down, install it and not pay the taxes/duties. It just isn't worth it if you get caught to save a few bucks.

IIRC, you pay PST and GST plus a really nominal %age for US manufactured auto parts. I don't remember what it is because some of the agents can't be bothered to charge it. It's like a percent of a percent by the book IIRC.

For something that size/scale NEVER get it shipped to Canada. You will get reamed on brokerage and handling fees. At least that is my experience. It really sucks when you have to send the part back because you aren't happy with the quality and get reamed in the other direction as well. Bt/dt
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Well-known member
I will have to agree with Brad.............Buy the bumper from BTF and have it shipped to OG........Then add the winch plate and tube locally..........I have in the past built my own but sometimes it is cheaper to buy it than build it...........



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Club Member
You can also take a look at the front bumper from SniperFab, which I think looks really good. It comes in kit form that has to be welded together and includes CNC cut pieces for the bumper and integrated winch. It's $225 USD... you have to pay someone to weld it together for you, but it may be cheaper than the BTF + winch plate.


This thread is :rainbow:
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I can do the tubing work for you. Options are 1 1/2" 1 3/4" or 2" tubing.

As for the bumper, if John still has some left, that would be a good option.



That's MR.EX Pres to you!
Club Member
That's a cool bumper.
I agree with Brad and Trevor, i think it may be easier to buy just the bumper, get it shipped to OG. Then get Adrian or someone to bend up the tube. If you buy the bumper it will be bolt in and will fit, lol.
If you decide you don't want to do that i'm sure you can find someone locally to do. Maybe take the measurments and make up the drawings yourself. I think it would be easier to find someone to make it if you already have drawing made up.


Well-known member
Club Member
Thanks for the info everyone.... Will look into this further.
When i am ready, i will contact you Aweber :)
Will also get back in contact with John for the rear...

Thanks everyone.

Terra-Nova SS

Bumper With Stinger for JK Unlimited

Hey Guys.. I'm looking to get a front bumper with stinger (and maybe a rear with swing away and can holder) for my JK... I can probably come up with some rough drawings for what I'm looking for if there is anyone locally that's up for a project. Anyone interested or know someone who may be interested?