Shaking the house!!



It was felt all the way out here in Perth. I was on lunch and didn't feel it personally but the guys here a work thought one of the construction crew working on the street hit the building with the hi-hoe it shook so badly.


Staff member
Club Member
Felt from Kitchener-Waterloo to Montreal. As far away as Ohio. I didn't feel it here in Cali. :(


Club Member
Magnitude 5.0 to 5.5 (depending on the report) centered 20 km under Val-des-Bois.

On the 4th floor here it was shaking quite a bit.


That's MR.EX Pres to you!
Club Member
Thought the car was gunna fall off the hoist i was working beside. Lets just say i got out of the building pretty fast, lol.


Insert title here
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You could tell the people in my office who have never had minimal experience with earthquakes. Most went up to the windows and was looking outside. Me, I headed over to the server room door and hung out there. That room is secure enough that the building could have fell and the room would still be standing.

Have to say though it was surprising for this area.


Well-known member
this has been my 4th earthquake as well. I was on top of a 16ft ladder taping a vaulted ceiling when this one hit. I also survived a tornado over palmerston lake in ompah when I was a kid. that was prolly the scariest thing I ever seen!


Insert title here
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Worst I have been in was the 6.1 in 87. I was asleep at the time and had a stop sign mounted over my bed, needless to say I had a wicked bruise after that. I have no idea how many I have been through but about a half dozen were over 5. 4's are fun as they are exactly like a truck going by but you can feel it for a bit longer, 5's you start wondering if it is going to get worse and then it stops. 5.9-6+ becomes serious puckerage. Talked to some other people who are in the area who have been in California as well and it seemed lighter than what we remembered (like around 4.5). My guess is the difference in ground composition. Los Angeles and the surrounding area is pretty much swampland while here is more bedrock. The big concern there when the Big One hits is not only the earthquake itself but they have found that after some point on the richter scale the ground they have there because it is so soft becomes liquified. No matter how well you build buildings to be earthquake proof when the ground underneath undergoes that kind of transformation it is going to be bad. Yet people still move there...


Well-known member
Club Member
Felt from Kitchener-Waterloo to Montreal. As far away as Ohio. I didn't feel it here in Cali. :(

Pretty ironic Terry here you are in a place where earthquakes are the norm, and we get one right here in Ottawa.


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yah, I know, I miss all the fun. We had one here last week. It knocked the shampoo bottle off the bathtub ledge. Big deal. LoL


You guy's might appreciate this more than my wife did. Even as far away as I am, Simcoe, I was cutting my CWB plates with a torch and my table started shaking. I looked at my buddy and he say's "a little bit shaky aren't ya?" Found out later on the radio it was an earthquake. Funny shite.

Farm Boy

Bought the Farm
I was working on Carp Road between Hazeldean and the 417 and didn't know it happend until an hour later. I was pissed that my phone didn't work as I was trying to reach a sub-contractor. Lynne was frantically trying to reach me to make sure the building I was working on didn't collapse on me (reasonable assumption as it was just a tad on the rickity side)