99 TJ SE Steering Box


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Tired of leaving cardboard on the garage floor. Does anyone have a steering box lying around that they'd sell? They are pricey at the parts store.

I also heard that a Dodge Durango steering box is a direct bolt on. Does anyone know the year it must be?


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I think J33P has done this conversion, maybe he can share his experience.


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I did the conversion on my TJ frame. It reduced my steering travel so I went back to my YJ box.

A YJ box will also bolt on and are more leak resistant.


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Hmmm. I saw many write ups for replacing the YJ box with a Durango too. Why would people do that if the YJ box performs better than the Durango?


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If a stock YJ goes in, maybe someone has one of those laying around in decent shape?


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Ive got a few YJ boxes lying around. 60 bucks Mike and I can give it to Terry tomorrow.


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The durango box made steering with my 34's so easy. direct bolt on. I paid 75$ for mine at the junkyard. YJ ones bolt in as well if you find one is good condition.


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I did it (with Brad's help as it was my first thing I ever did outside of changing oil). It's a direct bolton as long as the Jeep is older than 2003 and also a bigger barrel . There are two Durango steering boxes you can get. I think the Snowplow option decreases the turning ratio a bit.


Well-known member
hi I have this exact same problem, is there any options for me other then paying an arm and a leg for a new one? Unfortunatly I have a 2003 TJ so am I SOL ?