psi is calculated by pounds per square inch. The force not only depends on the pressure but the surface area. 8 psi of water can be used to wash your truck from a gardenhose. 8psi of water can relocate your house when it's coming out of a dam.
A simple test, if you have a blow gun on your air compressor set at 100 / 125 psi, you can stop the air flow with your thumb because it's such a small surface area. But 125 PSI can launch a bowling ball out of an air cannon for several hundred feet.
For every inch of surface area you are exerting X PSI. if you have a 6" pipe at 25 PSI you have to block the opening with 150 Lbs! but a 1" opening with only 25lbs.
your 45 Gallon drum has a HUGE surface area. 15psi in such a surface area is 10553lbs on the sides alone! not counting the top and bottom! (drum is 22.5" diameter X 33.5" high X 15psi. Yep! that will blow!