Anyone need Rivet nuts for TJ skid?


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Well her transfer case was hanging by 1 bolt so I figured that I would just drill out the 1 broken bolt and tap it to hold it temporarily (as she wanted to take her jeep to a girls night out} until I got these in. After dulling 3 bits and breaking a step drill :banghead: I looked at them all closely and realized why they weren't stripping out of the frame was because the previous owner had welded them. Well even though I have a nice pit to do crap jobs like this I had started it on the floor and my truck was in the middle of having heims replaced so I didn't have time to finish it and bolt the skid back up so I persevered on the floor, good times :flipoff:

Anyway I then said enough of this crap and used the plasma to remove the offending material and welded 1/2" nuts into the frame.

But at that price I can see a use for them in the future so if nobody is in a rush then let's get a few people in on this and I will order them anyway.

And yes OD I know I said I didn't want to start welding the frame but the "damage" was already done :beer:

Hmmm just saw this, don't ask me why I was wandering around the net it is what I do just because "I wonder" :flipoff:
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Put me down for a bag as well.... I am still unsure of what direction i am going to go with the skid on the TJ so i might as well get in on this rather than wait till the last minute later on!!!


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Bumping up an old thread...

So on an unrelated topic... What kind of thread is inside these nuts? I need to chase all the thread in my skid plate nuts but not sure as to what tap to use... M14? 1.75... 1.50... ?

Hopefully someone can send me in the right direction.