Hi from Toronto!


Active member
The best one I can think that fits that description on 33's would be Crag Lake.
I've been looking at the OF4WD trail info for Crag and it says that the length is 4.4 km. If all goes smooth, how long does it usually take to go one way to the lake? Do you usually turn back thereafter?

BJ stands for Better than Jeep ;)
I like this!

I believe they like to call it "Fake Jeep".
Not this!!!


Active member
If given the choice, and having to drive from Toronto, which trail would you guys recommend having both scenic and challenging terrain? We plan to camp for 2 nights from May 3-5. My set up is 33's, locked front and rear. 35's will prolly be the average from the others.

So Killer Lake or Crag?


This thread is :rainbow:
Staff member
Club Member
If you guys have any Trailers/Campers and want a large area to camp, go here:


You will see a bunch of "No Camping" signs everywhere but there is a large gravel area on the left side of the road that is not part of the hydro dam property that is not included in the no camping area. This is a good staging area to hit both Crag and Quinn trails if you want to make a couple days of it.

If your just tenting it, camp at the lake in Crag or you will see many other camping areas on the way to the trail.