Looking up an axle???


apparently the prezident
Club Member
ok...so 66-77 bronco is what I need. I dont want to go much bigger then stock. Cause they dont make bigger flairs. I have to rig something else to cover those tires...

FSLBRNR, how much would he be looking for the parts???


apparently the prezident
Club Member
Ok...so after reading 20+ builds on S10 forums...It sounds like the 66-77 bronco or 80 waggy axles are the #1 best choice for my truck. Found a set on jeep kings off a waggy that im going to try and get. Thanks for all your help.

Now...should I go leafs or coils???


Well-known member
Not that I know a ton, but wouldnt leafs be cheeper and easier?:beer:

And you want to keep it on the cheeper side


apparently the prezident
Club Member
They are, but I think i may have enough to go either way.
Most of the $$$ is in labour it seems, wich I will do my self. Im giving myself about a $2500 budget to get it done.


apparently the prezident
Club Member
I think I may go leafs anyways then. I guess I can use stock waggy leafs?.?.?.


Club Member
Waggy leaves are common, as are YJ's thanks to the Blazer's relatively light weight. I did a lot of research into this too, as my original plan was a SAS on an S10/Blazer.

Lots of threads and sites out there for SAS info on those trucks, and I think that leaves are the way to go for a cost and ease of fab route. I think most folks move to the Astro steering box too...mounts in the same holes, but swings 180 degrees from how the S10 box does, putting the pitman arm in line with where it needs to go.

Good luck, and take lots of pictures of the build for the rest of us!


apparently the prezident
Club Member
Yep, ill be going the astro steering box. Whenit comes time to install. All will be welcome to come down to the shop and help out, or watch.


Well-known member
nice find, have you priced out how much a rebuild kit will be? chances are they might need a lil 'comment ca va'


apparently the prezident
Club Member
nice find, have you priced out how much a rebuild kit will be? chances are they might need a lil 'comment ca va'

Im sure to rebuild them wont cost much. Ill probably work for mike for a few days in exchange for all the parts.

Farm Boy

Bought the Farm
Several years back, Jim Sprang did the same swap on a '88 (I'm guessing at the year but was that body style) using radius arms and coils, flexed like a dumptruck.
I think he swaped to leaves a couple years later when he installed a D60

I did the same type of swap in a '95 GMC 1500 with FS axles. Never had a swaybar, didn't need it. I'd probaly go leaves to do it again.


apparently the prezident
Club Member
Yea... I think im going to stay with the leafs...

Was that the S10 in embrum for sale with the front coils on the SFA???


Club Member
The S-10 in Embrun was Andre's old truck from EOTB...I used to wheel with him back in 2001, and for someone wheeling it's stock twin (both 92's), it was my dream/goal.


Well-known member
Yep, ill be going the astro steering box. Whenit comes time to install. All will be welcome to come down to the shop and help out, or watch.

when your reddy to go let me know!!!:beer:

I aint afraid of wrenching!!! just have to limit beer intake, not like @ home!!!
