Xenforo Media Gallery has been enabled, on PC you can see it here:
On mobile, here, under the "3 burger" menu in the top left:
OVO Paid Members have full permissions to create and upload images, regular users (registered but not paid members) & Guests (unregistered) can view only.
This is not like the old Gallery and it's nesting of albums, if you upload something, right now everyone can see it. That seems to be the way...
On mobile, here, under the "3 burger" menu in the top left:
OVO Paid Members have full permissions to create and upload images, regular users (registered but not paid members) & Guests (unregistered) can view only.
This is not like the old Gallery and it's nesting of albums, if you upload something, right now everyone can see it. That seems to be the way...
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