Meeting Tomorrow


Well-known member
Well, I hope to get to this one. I've been turned around in the past by snow sqalls, kids events, and wife events. The only thing that can hold me back from my first meeting will be a breakdown of the CJ.

What are the chances of that! If anyone passes an ugly cj on the side of 17, gimme a ride eh?


Well-known member
Well, Thanks much for the membership, and for the special entertainment after in the parking lot. That new guy that arrived late, rolled his ride, then parked on John’s bumper seemed to be having a bad day. I’m kinda glad he didn’t have the $30 to pony up for the membership. Last I saw of him he was taking up one lane of Carling west bound, one hand on the handlebars, and one hand straight up giving me (and the other 50 vehicles backed up behind him) the finger. His idea of the jeep wave I guess. What a nice fellow.


Makes me wish I'd stayed. :(
How do you roll your truck in the parking lot? :rolleyes:
damn I wish I hadn't left to get a burger.


Staff member
Club Member
It was a guy on a bike...a *bicycle*! He came flying out of nowhere in the parking lot and dumped the bike right behind me. Hopped up, looked around and started mubling giberish. Then tries to "park" the bike on John's tow hitch, failing that, leans the bike up against John's back door. We sort of ignored him after that until he picked someone out of the crowd to talk to, then we all just walked away.
Needless to say, the guy wasn't all there.