You can get the double flare kit at Princess. It's not in the correct location if you can't find it - it is not with the single and bubble flare kits. I had to ask someone to find it as it was illogically located. IIRC it is on the front (east) of one of the aisles two aisles south of the where the bubble flare stuff is (this was ~3 weeks ago).
I think I know which aisle you mean. Two over south (towards the front door) from where the 4WD ball joint presses (which happen to be 1 section up (east) from where they're listed to be, same aisle). No wonder I missed it. I got there 5 P.M. on Saturday, and there was only one guy on the floor, and he was busy as heck. Had a mobile line up following him around the store waiting their turn. He found me the tube bender they had (on sale too), which was in another illogical place. I was pretty impressed he knew where to find it. :glasses:
Which fittings are you looking for specifically? Using the Canadian tire pre-made lines, XJs use "American" style fittings. The "Japanese" fittings will thread but it is not correct. The "European" lines are a bubble flare. Only reason why I know this is because I had to use Jap and US lines to mix-n-match to get my Jap calipers plumbed into my XJ.
Helps a lot, thanks Mang. I'm running the stock drums (new wheel cylinders 'cuz the nipple broke on one side, and the fitting on the other was rust welded, twisting and breaking the line, of course), so it's 3/8 fittings (3/16th line).
On the up side, got the DPG lift on the front all installed (which included a bad UCA bushing to replace, and the stupid ring nut for the trackbar brace busting its welds, and whole other bunch of rusted and broken crap to deal with). The rear is done too, except that I have to cut the floor to extract the welded nuts for the shock mount (driver side only, thank Dog).
Funny how I USED to think cobalt drill bits were too expensive, versus how I now think they're undervalued for the time and grunt power they save. :lmao:
Now If'n I can get the brakes done, I can back the thing out of the garage, run it forward on ramps, and finally get to replacing the tail shaft on the TC with something more than 15" of clearance to work with.