Chertsey Sept 5 - 7


Staff member
Club Member
My cell is 613 799 4376 for anyone that may met us there.

Sent from my Windows Mobile=AE phone.

-----Original Message-----
From: Grumpy
Sent: September 4, 2008 9:19 PM
To: Terry Brummell
Subject: [Events/Trail Runs-t-1314] RE: Chertsey Sept 5 - 7

Well it looks like the late crew will be meeting at the Park-and-Ride, =
Trim Road at Hwy 17 at 6:30 pm.....anyone who hasn't spoken up yet about =
going and is planning to go and can meet at that time, please do. It =
will be Andy and Terry, myself and Brad and Steve Morris.

Farm Boy

Bought the Farm
Sat morning crew is leaving 4:10 am from Timmies in Kanata (Hazeldean & Terry Fox) and 4:30am from the gas station at Boundry Rd and 417