So by late afternoon i was at a point in which i could put it together (like i said ealier, there are still a few loose ends to finish) and take it out in order to see how it would perform (at least on the street). I won't bore you with all the numbers but i stayed true to the "rules" as i could. My uppers are 74% the length of the lowers, axle separation is just over 25% of wheel diameter and the frame separation is 50% of that. It was difficult to estimate the ceter of gravity so i went with the top bolt of the bell housing, but with a full bodied rig it was difficult to visualize the convegance point of the uppers and lower near that spot.
After all that i still wasn't sure what value the anti-squat was at, so i tightened everything up through on the tires and took her out. I will say that during the build i figured that i would NEED a rear sway-bar but i am happy to say that i don't feel i require one.
Once i got her on the road i was very happy with how it handled, VERY minimal squat on hard exceleration, stable and not too much body roll at all! Anyway - here are more driveway pics - i am itching to start getting wheeling pics instead of it sitting in the driveway...