Well time to start on the 8.8.
First some before pics:
Cleaned the snow off and got the following done:
- Removed the sway bar
- Removed the shock (no idea what that was for to be honest) and bracket
- Opened it up and removed carrier (everything looked fine) and drained most of the fluid except some that is in the axle tubes
One thing I didn't notice when I got the 8.8 is the holes that I used on the HP Dana 30 for the diff spreader are welded over on the 8.8. Since the 8.8 is a more sturdy casing I may be able to get away with not using the diff spreader with the new arb and just use a deadblow to get everything in.
Definitely can see why people say the cover is thin. Even the stock Dana 30 cover isn't that pathetic
Next steps are:
- Remove old axle seals and bearings
- clean out inside.
- get rid of all old brake hardware as it is all shot.
New locker, gears and install kit should be coming in the next week or two. No rush though.
Needless to say Anne wasn't impressed with the smell. The Dana 30 was bad enough this had almost 3 times the amount of diff fluid in it so it really smelled. Really need to look at getting a new internal garage door, it isn't that air tight. Should be fine by tomorrow but it definitely didn't help make dinner appetizing with that smell in the back ground.
Lessons learned:
First thing I have learned is I should have removed the fill bolt up top. I haven't done it yet but from looking up info on the axle seals, I came across a website that mentioned that before cracking the seal on the diff that should have been done first. Not a huge deal necessarily as I am going with an aftermarket diff cover and get it adapted to have a fill plug put in if needed.