Actually I am starting to wonder if I am over thinking the crossmember.
I have a piece of 1.5"x.120 pipe that I was going to use as the crossmember with the clamps.
I was going to mount it on the inside wall of the frame going down on an angle and then run straight across
Like Tim's
Yello project in the following picture (Post #121 picture 1) the problem with me doing that is since my output is so half the distance out I have to deal with the skid plate location which due to the tuck and lo profile is pretty tight. His is a very small bend, mine would be a lot more and I would have to notch the skid which may undermine its structural integrity
DISREGARD BELOW (forgot about the muffler in the way)
I was thinking I could make it even simpler. Run a bar straight across attaching so it is flush with the skid thus reducing any potential sticking points. It would probably be about halfway through the diameter of the tube. So half would be under the frame rail and half would be on the wall. The bracket and bushing would then attach to that. I would also be able to attach the clamps very close to the frame which should minimize the lever action on the mounting at the frame. I was also planning on welding some plate on the inside wall (and maybe the bottom as well to reinforce the area. What gauge would suffice (1/8?, 3/16?) and how big of a piece (3x4?)
How does that sound? Any concerns?