What I did not like was the welcome back to Canada tax

I live in the wrong country LOL
So - For the driveshaft stuff, I e-mailed Jesse at High-Angle Driveline and he told me this:
The Toy tube there are 2 2 5/8 .095 2.440 journal , and 2 3/4 .188 2.375 journal and actually 1350 stuff would need to be modified to fit so Part #'s are modified to fit assuming your shop would be good with that 3-40-1611 neapco the journal is thicker and 3-3-488kx slip- Good luck- Jess
Meaning, Take Neapco part # 3-40-1611 and machine it down 2.440 to fit the Toy tube and use Spicer 3-3-488Kx for the slip.
This is why I get my shafts built by Jesse. He gave me this information with no profit to be made. :beer: