So I remembered I had a DB guage in my bag of tricks from when I used to care about setting my home theater system, so I pulled it out and took some measurements.
The old mufflers and the new ones are pretty much identical on sound level. They are both at about 75 DB at idle and 83 Db at 2000 RPM
This is taken from in the drivers seat and in the garage (I am sure it would be a lot lower if the buggy was outside)
The main difference is the sound, the old ones are a lot higher sounding when the new ones are a deeper sound.
A little loud for my tastes however so I am definitely going to try to get them mounted in the middle of the exhaust to make as long of a tail pipe as I can.
EDIT - So I just took if for a quick drive - 90db going down the road at about 2500 rpm - way too loud